How Many Days to Spend in Ujung Kulon National Park? Here the 4 Days Perfect Ujung Kulon Itinerary

How Many Days to Spend in Ujung Kulon National Park? Here the 4 Days Perfect Ujung Kulon Itinerary The challenge of getting to Ujung Kulon National Park is reaching its remote location. From the nearest airport, Soekarno Hatta International Airport, the travel time required to arrive at Ujung Kulon National Park is 6 - 8 hours. That is a 5-hour road trip, plus 1 hour for sea travel if using a speedboat or 3 hours for sea travel if using a slow...

Tranquil End Year at NIKKI Peucang Resort​, Ujung Kulon National Park

Tranquil End Year at NIKKI Peucang Resort The new year is a moment celebrated by almost everyone in the world. People will go to tourist sites, stay up all night for drinking, barbecue, then light the fireworks at the turn of the year. The song from the loudspeaker and the noise of the trumpet also enlivened the night.  Have you ever thought of being in a quieter place during new years eve? A better place to reflect on what has happened in...

Guide to Animal Observation on Small Savanna at Peucang Island

Guide to Animal Observation on Small Savanna at Peucang Island Morning Edition Mornings on Peucang Island are never quiet. But it's not the noise of the engine that fills the air. Morning is the time for herds of deer to graze, a tribe of monkeys sneaking around looking for food, black storks lurking on the beach, birds flying and singing, and a small sea creature jumping away from the big jaws that want to prey on them. In the morning, this...

Perlengkapan “Nggak Standar Pantai” yang Wajib dibawa Kalau Kamu Berlibur ke Pulau Peucang

Kalau kamu ada rencana liburan ke Pulau Peucang, perlengkapan yang wajib dibawa saat liburan ke pantai seperti sunblock, sandal, air mineral, dan bikini mungkin sudah masuk ke dalam tas kamu. Tapi tunggu dulu. Pulau Peucang adalah pulau yang lokasi dan cuacanya spesial. Ada beberapa perlengkapan “nggak standar pantai” yang sebaiknya juga kamu bawa. Percaya, deh. Kalau kamu bawa list perlengkapan di bawah ini, liburan kamu di Pulau Peucang...
NIKKI Peucang Resort @ 2025
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