NIKKI Peucang Resort
The Best Beachfront Resort Within Reach of Jakarta
Our Stories
Visiting NIKKI Peucang means coming to the wilderness. From here we tell you stories about animals, plants, weather, sea and stars. But why just imagine how beautiful the pristine nature is. Come and see the natural wonders surrounding NIKKI Peucang Resort.
Get acquainted with Karang Copong, a Geoheritage in Peucang Island, Ujung Kulon Geopark Ujung Kulon Geopark was finally officially designated as a National Geopark on November 10, 2023, with the issuance of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree Number 393.K/GL.01/MEM.G/2023. Previously, it may need to be mentioned that the area included in the Ujung […]
Javan Rhino Wonderful Facts The World’s Most Endangered Species The Javan rhinoceros is one of the most endangered species in the world (Dermarest, 1822). The population only remains in Ujung Kulon National Park. This animal is protected by law in Indonesia and is one of the 25 main priority species for wildlife conservation in Indonesia. […]
ADULT DARK MORPH © Andrew Spencer eBird S26371958 Macaulay Library ML 22328951 Several list of birds that you can find on Peucang Island In 2021, three students from the Department of Biology Education, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, carried out an inventory of aves types in the Ujung Kulon National Park area. They researched the presence […]
Java Travel, The Most Untouched Wilderness is Here Apart from its largest ancient Hindu complex, or the densely packed cites and village that are home for 145 million people, most area of Java are still covered by forest. On its southwestern tip, there is a Unesco World Heritage-listed national park, which is best known as […]
Javan Rhino Population Continues To Grow The Javan Rhino Monitoring Team entered the wilderness of Ujung Kulon National Park to carry out its duties. The team consists of six people, ready with supplies to explore and stay in the forest for 10 to 15 days. In the middle of the forest, they found something unusual […]
Cara ke Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon Kamu tertarik mengunjungi Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon tapi belum tahu bagaimana caranya ke sana? Kalau begitu jangan berangkat dulu sebelum kamu baca artikel ini. Artikel ini akan membahas dua cara yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk dapat sampai di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon. Pertama dengan angkutan umum dan kedua dengan […]
World Rhino Day 2023 World is Better When They Population Getting Bigger World Rhino Day is celebrated on September 22 every year. It was first announced by WWF-South Africa in 2010. This event creates an avenue for N.G.O.s, zoos, wildlife conservation centers, research centers, and concerned individuals to unite and seek new ways to save […]
Anak Krakatau presents a beautiful and odd view. A volcano in the middle of the sea with smoke rising from its caldera. Surrounding it are small islands with fresh air. The oceans around are healthy, full of colorful coral and fish. Visiting Anak Krakatau is a good opening destination before continuing the trip to Ujung […]
Have you ever thought of being in a quieter place during new years eve? A better place to reflect on what has happened in the past year and make resolutions for a better life next year?
Guide to Animal Observation on Small Savanna at Peucang Island Morning Edition Mornings on Peucang Island are never quiet. But it’s not the noise of the engine that fills the air. Morning is the time for herds of deer to graze, a tribe of monkeys sneaking around looking for food, black storks lurking on the […]
Visit Ujung Kulon National Park; The Real Adventure Style Office Outbound Beautiful nature and a real challenge. We believe these two things are what you need to build an intimacy between people. The wilderness may not be for everyone. Especially for city dwellers, who have never set foot on the ground and walked far among […]
Kalau kamu ada rencana liburan ke Pulau Peucang, perlengkapan yang wajib dibawa saat liburan ke pantai seperti sunblock, sandal, air mineral, dan bikini mungkin sudah masuk ke dalam tas kamu. Tapi tunggu dulu. Pulau Peucang adalah pulau yang lokasi dan cuacanya spesial. Ada beberapa perlengkapan “nggak standar pantai” yang sebaiknya juga kamu bawa. Percaya, deh. […]
Peucang Island is a habitat for long-tailed monkeys. This monkey is small and weighs less than 7 kg. Because it looks cute and tiny, many visitors like to give food to the monkeys. Perhaps there was no malicious intent from the humans feeding the monkeys. But many experts have regretted this action. Because feeding the […]
Free Tumbler For You Can having a tumbler bottle clean the world of trash? Of course not. But in the midst of a world that is already full of garbage, do you have the heart to add lots of new plastic bottles? We hope not. Tumbler has now become one of the important lifestyles which […]
Rhinoceros Hornbill a Rare Bird That Preserves the Conservation of Ujung Kulon National Park Ujung Kulon National Park is not only home to the one-horned javan rhino. This world heritage site is also a habitat for 240 species of birds. Some of them are very rare. One of them is the Rhinoceros hornbill. The […]
What Animals Can We Meet on Peucang Island? Ujung Kulon National Park is the last home for the Javan Rhino. In order to protect the habitat of the Javan rhinoceros, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or UNESCO designated Ujung Kulon National Park as a World Heritage Site in 1991. Many visitors to […]
Reason to Visit Peucang Island Beach during Rainy Season Lots of people ask if it might rain during their arrival period. They wanted to make sure that when they arrived, it would be sunny with no rain at all. Because if it rains, they think that vacation to Peucang Island will be boring. Can’t snorkel, […]
The Javan deer or Cervus timorensis is one of the endemic animals in West Java, Bali and Timor Island. Unfortunately, the population of this beautiful animal continues to decline. Recently the Javan deer has been included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as vulnerable or vulnerable to extinction. […]
Peucang Island is exceptional for a number of reasons, not the least of which is its impressive diversity of wildlife. One of them is the wild boar. No need to bother to find this animal on Peucang Island. Once the boat you are riding on docked at Peucang Island Pier, it could be that wild […]
The world’s coral triangle region only covers Central and Eastern Indonesia. For those of us who live in Western Indonesia such as Jakarta, a trip to Wakatobi, Raja Ampat, Komodo, or Bali, certainly takes a lot of time and money. Unfortunately, we are only free on weekends or the savings is not enough for Live on […]